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When Your Hubby Says: I Can't Live Without You

A healthy relationship can be built to perpetuate marriage and build a happy family . Say something tenderly with love quotes is one of t...

Friday, January 30, 2009


Yupz...recently I'm so busy because I should get involved in my hubby business. There is the management improvement, so there are many things that need to completed. More over, there are several employees that can't accomplish their job well. Commonly, they can't make job planning, so they just do what they can do today without goals or target and there is not controlling and evaluating program. The bad impact is that they can't finished their work untill the due date, so this influence the customer satisfaction and of course financial condition. This make the business get worse day after day. There are many clients deliver their complaint ....
In this case, we should make a draft of planning for them in order that they can learn and try to do it. But, I think it is not easy because this mean that it will change the habit of them. I mean, to make a change is so difficult because they never do it and they are not get used to do it. So We should be patient, when they can't complete those draft and we should encourage them to learn about anything related to their job. After this evaluation we hope that we can improve the condition.

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